VAST » Visual Audio Sensory Theatre
I’ve always been a fan of these guys, but didn’t realize they had as much music released as they do. I only really new of the original, self titled album “Visual Audio Sensory Theatre” which features the song “Touched”. But Kyle, the music sleuth that he is, found they had six! And better yet, for sale inexpensively on their own web site. Prices range from $3.99 to $6.99. Naturally, we bought them all.
The great part about this is that Jon Crosby, frontman for VAST, is trying to cut out the “man”. He’s selling his albums in digital form on his site. He also is selling concert tickets for his shows off of his web site directly through PayPal. Kyle and I will be attending the February 12th show at Harper’s Ferry in Alston, MA. Can’t wait!
I love how he’s struck out on his own with selling albums and tickets because it brings the price down to what I consider reasonable. I don’t mind paying $5.00 or $6.00 for an album and $25.00 for a concert ticket. Way better than $14.00 for a CD and $45+ for a show (that is unless you’re seeing KISS, Madonna, or The Rolling Stones…$200??? Right!).
However, if digital music isn’t your thing yet, you can still buy VAST albums online at Jon hasn’t quite cut out the “man” yet!